How to get rid of acne scars
When a particular part of your skin is wounded or injured and such injury is so severe that it causes dermal damage, scars often appear on that damaged part. You may find it disturbing to have scars on your skin without knowing that scar is an important process in your body. Although scars are skin defects that make your skin appear imperfect, scarring is in fact an important part of your skin healing process. Scars that appear on your skin are not necessarily permanent. Depending on the severity of your skin injury, scars can disappear after several days or months. However, it can also stay on your skin for years.What Causes Acne Scars?
Among skin injuries that may cause scar is one caused by inflamed lesion. When the follicle, or pore, of your skin is swollen up with oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria, the part of your skin where the swelling occurs will become inflamed. If the swelling gets severe, the follicle wall cannot endure the pressure and it will break. The rupture will not cause serious problem if it occurs near the surface of your skin; however, if it occurs at the deeper part of your skin’s follicle, the consequence will be quite severe because the deep rupture may adversely affect your healthy skin tissue. The scarring caused by inflamed lesion is referred to as acne scarring.Don't be so content with your problem to get rid of acne scars
When such rupture occurs and it damages your healthy skin tissue, your skin will try to heal itself by producing collagen fibers, fibrous protein that enhances skin’s strength and flexibility. Unfortunately, if collagen fiber is produced too excessively, hypertrophic scars may develop. Hypertrophic scars, which are also referred to as keloid scars, develop in the form of raised tissue on the surface of your skin. Atrophic scars commonly occur upon the finished healing process. Those depressed scars develop when the affected tissue decreases in size. Two examples of anthropic scars that often affect the skin are boxcar and ice pick scars.The development of scar is usually measured according to the degree of inflammation that causes it. The greater the inflammation, the more likely scarring is to occur. The chance of scarring is also bigger if the deep rupture is so severe that it takes a long time to heal. Superficial blemishes, such as blackheads and whiteheads, usually don’t cause scarring because they don’t injure your skin tissue. Acne scar should not be confused with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation because the two are different skin defects. Discoloration caused by PIH usually fades on its own after a while. The application of Retin A may expedite the fading process.
The best way to prevent acne scarring from occurring is by consulting your dermatologist and getting advice from him/her to keep your acne under control. There are various clinical treatments that you can undergo to keep your scars as obscure as possible. There are, however, several important things that you have to keep in your mind when you undergo those treatments. Firstly, don’t expect total scarring disappearance because it will mostly occur, no matter how slight it is. Secondly, don’t squeeze your pimples because by doing so, you’ve pushed the debris deeper into the dermis, thereby causing more serious acne problem. Thirdly, don’t pick at scabs because they are your natural “bandage.” If you pick at them, the healing process of your skin will be longer to finish and the scarring that occurs will be worse.
Discover the 12 Secrets to Get Rid of Acne
Acne originates from the inside of your body and it will gradually develop until it appears on the surface of your body. Therefore, when you have acne, you have to treat it by striking it out from both inside and outside of your body. There are many skin treatment creams that you can use to treat your acne. By sticking with any of them to treat your acne, you can maximize the chance of your acne to disappear. In addition to applying any of those creams, there are 12 secrets of treating acne that you can use to overcome your acne as quickly and as effectively as possible.However, you should remember that there is a multitude of physical and psychological factors, such as one related to your body’s automatic survival mechanism, which may cause your acne. Therefore, those secrets aren’t necessarily effective to treat your acne, especially if it is quite severe.
Those secrets, nevertheless, are still helpful to expedite the success of your acne treatment even if it is a severe one, although you also have to undergo more holistic treatment to treat such severe acne. 12 secrets of how to get rid of acne scars are as follows:
- Always keep your face clean.
- Use only your preferred facial cream.
- Relive the three day liquid diet and relieve your constipation quickly in order to keep your body free from toxin.
- Alter your diet frequently.
- Drink enough water and get your body exposed to sunlight and air sufficiently.
- Take vitamins regularly.
- Take beneficial minerals regularly.
- Check if you are taking a particular supplement.
- Drink or use herbal mixture frequently.
- Take supplements or special drinks that can effectively detoxify your body.
- Brush your skin regularly in order to get rid of dead skin cells.
- Keep your mind and emotion free from stress and any other psychological disorder.
In order to keep your face clean, you have to avoid using oil-based and chemical-based cosmetics excessively. Remember that the blockage of your skin’s pores that is caused by the excessive application of those cosmetics is one of the primary factors of acne development.
Therefore, if you want to use a particular cosmetic product, inspect its label and determine whether or not it contains such ingredients as mineral oil, lanolin and propylene glycol. If it does, avoid using it and use water-based cosmetic products instead. You should also avoid using cosmetics and soaps that irritate your skin. Also remember that whichever cosmetics or soaps that you use, use them lightly on your skin so that they don’t cause unwanted effect to it.
Although you have to clean your face with water, make sure that you don’t clean it overly because if you do that, you may dehydrate your skin and make it lack its natural protective oil.
The safest way to keep your face clean is by using warm and uninfected face towel. By dabbing your face with clean and warm towel, you can let your skin pores expand, thereby moving the toxic materials that pollute your skin to its surface.
Make sure that you use your towel as gently as possible and avoid rubbing your face with it because this action may aggravate your skin’s condition. Also make sure that you keep your face free from pollutants by not using skin products that contain toxic chemicals and by sleeping on your face or side of your face instead of your back.
Remember that toxic chemicals not only deteriorate your skin, but also make your liver work harder because it is an important organ that plays an important role in keeping your body free from toxin. If you excessively apply cosmetic products, which mostly contain toxic ingredients, you will force your liver to work more laborious
7 Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Scars from Acne for Life

Well, praying isn’t actually an effective way to get rid of your acne because there are abundant ways that God has shown to us to naturally and effectively get rid of acne. Just use those natural acne removal ways and you’ll eventually be thankful to God because everything that you need to get your skin free from defects has actually been prepared around you. In this article, you will learn about 7 natural ways that you can use to free yourself from the shackle of acne problem for the rest of your life.
Using lemon juice to get rid of your acne scars
Lemon juice can act as a natural bleaching agent. By applying it on your skin twice a day for 15 minutes, you can keep your skin clean and free from pollutants that may cause acne.Using rosehip seed oil to get rid of your acne scars
Rosehip seed oil is a common ingredient for many cosmetics. When applied on your skin, it can effectively reduce acne scars that emerge on it. Just massage your affected skin with this oil twice a day for 15 minutes until your acne scars disappear.Using ice cubes to get rid of your acne scars
Ice cubes have long been a natural remedy for all kinds of swellings. Therefore, they can also be used to treat your acne scars. Although they cause painful sensation when used, you can expedite the success of your acne removal program if you apply them on your scars 15 minutes every day.Using Aloe Vera to get rid of your acne scars
Aloe Vera Gel/Juice is an effective remedy for wound. If you apply it on your wound, you can prevent scarring from occurring.Using tree tea oil to get rid of your acne scars
Apply tree tea oil on your scarred skin for 30 minutes every day and you can see its awesome healing effect coming into reality.Using honey to get rid of your acne scars
Honey is believed to be the best natural remedy for acne scars. This is the reason why honey is put at the last of this list. If you want to use honey to get rid of your acne scars, you should apply it on the surface of your acne scars and cover it with bandage. Do it before you go to bed at night and you can see how effective honey is in treating acne scars in the next morning. Besides that, honey is proven to moisture skin that makes it healthier.Before using any of the aforementioned natural remedies, make sure that you have washed your face with glycerin-based soap and warm water. Keeping your skin clean is an important step on ane treatment. Afterwards, pat your face (don’t rub it) with the towel in order to dry it. Do it gently to avoid your acne to break out that may cause new acne scars on your skin. You need to remember that you must not touch, scratch, or break up acnes forcefully.
These actions will only make your acne to sore and create a new scne scar for sure. After getting your face clean and dry, you can try to use any, or all, of those remedies and see how effective they are in treating your acne. Those remedies don’t cause any side effects; therefore, you don’t have to worry about anything when you are using them. Just use them regularly and you’ll never have to visit your doctor to grieve about your acne anymore.
Best Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars that Won’t Cause More Acne
The fact that acne scars are the result of cavity formation on your skin becomes the main problem to get rid of acne scars. The atrophic characteristic of acne is the primary factor that causes the emergence of cavity on your skin after it is injured or infected and when it is scarred. Unfortunately, your body will quickly fill that cavity with new discolored and tough skin. This tough and discolored new skin is what makes acne problem difficult to overcome.The best way to keep your acne scars softer and less obvious is by keeping your skin well-conditioned. Therefore, condition your skin by applying moisturizing product on it. However, make sure that the skin conditioner that you use is one that contains only natural ingredients and doesn’t contain oil because oily conditioners will clog your pores.
You can also use face mask to affected skin. You only need to apply acne mask on your skin and leave it to dry before wash your skin with cool water. You have several choices of natural products that can be used for acne scar treatment.The most reliable moisturizing mask that can keep your skin conditioned, thereby preventing new acne scars from emerging, is one made from apples and honey.
This mask not only tightens your pores and prevents dirt and germs from polluting your skin, but also lightens the scar tissue so that it becomes less obvious. In order to make this mask, mash the skinned apple to make apple paste and add 4 or 5 drops of honey to the paste. You can also use natural dermabrasion using egg shells to remove your dead skin cells. You can do that by sterilizing the shells in hot water, crushing them, mix them with normal soap, and use it to scrub your skin.
Acne scars are not necessarily frustrating problem. As long as you find a treatment that suits to your skin type, you can be sure to have your skin free from acnes and your acne scars will face away. The easiest way is by keeping your skin clean and conditioned with the right acne skin products. By keeping your skin everlastingly clean, conditioned, and treated by using skincare therapies that are mentioned in this article, you can always keep your skin free from acne.
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